Environmental Accreditation

Products with this sustainability characteristic have a specific environmental–related claim, verification, approval, listing, certification, attestation, or accreditation from an independent party. The accreditation must be at the level of the product and not the company. Third-party accreditations are considered environmental when they address criteria aligned with delivering environmental benefits such as reduced land use, water and waste impact reduction, biodegradability, or regenerative practices of production.
Products with this sustainability characteristic have a specific environmental–related claim, verification, approval, listing, certification, attestation, or accreditation from an independent party. The accreditation must be at the level of the product and not the company. Third-party accreditations are considered environmental when they address criteria aligned with delivering environmental benefits such as reduced land use, water and waste impact reduction, biodegradability, or regenerative practices of production.
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Environmental Accreditation

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