498.299 GBP
2.318 GBP / KG
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  • Buy 2-3 for 423.301 GBP/PC each
  • Buy 4+ for 348.300 GBP/PC each
Package Type: 
 (215 kgs)
Typically ships within 5-7 business days
Monopropylene Glycol USP is a high-purity grade of monopropylene glycol, tested for compliance with the current United States Pharmacopeia (USP). Monopropylene Glycol USP is clear, colourless and viscous liquid with almost no odour but a subtly sweet taste. It is soluble in water and has hygroscopic (moisture absorbent) properties. Used as a humectant in flavouring or seasoning concentrates, preservative and stabiliser in direct food applications such as baked or frozen goods, as a solvent in elixirs and pharmaceutical preparations containing water-soluble ingredients, and as a coupling agent in the formulation of sunscreen lotion, shampoos, shaving creams and other similar personal care products.
Product No. 1004600
CAS 57-55-6
Applications As a flavoring or seasoning concentrates, preservative and stabilizer in direct food applications; as a solvent in elixirs and pharmaceutical preparations; as a coupling agent in personal care applications such as moisturisers, shampoos, shower gels, frag


Product Details

Group Name
Propylene Glycols
Sub Group Name
Packaging Type
Prohibited Uses
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Tobacco, Electronic cigarettes, Theatrical fogs, Artificial smoke, Pet food, Sprinkler systems (>30%)

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