Novonesis Enzyme Solutions for Dairy Production

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Enzyme solutions to enhance dairy and plant-based milk beverages

As health-minded consumers demand change, formulators continue to look for dairy product solutions without compromising taste, texture or label simplicity. Univar Solutions supports this increased demand through the distribution of affordable, nutritious dairy solutions.

Whether it be lactose-free, reduced sugar, low allergenic, high protein, low-fat or plant-based products, we offer distribution of Novonesis’ portfolio of enzymes to enhance your dairy business and meet current and future consumer demands.

Enzymes that reduce lactose and sugar, enhance sweetness and fiber

Not only are consumer trends driving lactose reductions, but as regulatory authorities call for reducing sugar and government bodies begin taxing carbohydrates, the dairy industry faces heightened pressure to reformulate. However, this isn’t easy to achieve without impacting texture, flavor, shelf life or cost while maintaining a clean label. Reduced lactose and sugar are distinct challenges for the industry, and yet they are not mutually exclusive; producers can address both issues with high-performance lactase.

Novonesis’ lactase enzymes convert lactose into two easily digestible sugars, glucose and galactose—allowing organizations to develop products with lactose-free and fiber-enriched claims. These enzymatic solutions can also be used to enhance sweetness and develop reduced sugar formulations, or they can help reduce sugar directly without reformulation. Either way, the result is a healthier choice for consumers with no compromise on sweetness.

Producing ideal yogurt and cheese textures

Clean labels matter to consumers. But maintaining a minimal list of ingredients does not always align with the desirable texture consumers want when it comes to low-fat dairy products. 

When it comes to developing flavor in cheeses, the process is slow, costly and requires adequate space and controlled conditions. Novonesis’ enzymes deliver a range of benefits to speed up the ripening process. They also reduce the time it takes to develop cheese-based ingredients with intense, high-quality flavors—giving consumers the taste they desire in a snack, ready-made meal and other cheese products.process. They also reduce the time it takes to develop cheese-based ingredients with intense, high-quality flavors—giving consumers the taste they desire in a snack, ready-made meal and other cheese products.

Enzymes to hydrolyze dairy proteins

Novonesis offers a wide range of hydrolyzed dairy products that achieve better flavor with less allergenicity. These enzymes help formulators develop stable, soluble, better tasting protein ingredients for improved digestibility and protein fortification from infant formula to sports nutrition and weight loss drinks.

  • Suitable for use in infant formula

  • Less bitter

  • Preservative free

  • Suitable for organic products

  • Suitable for kosher and halal products

Did You Know:

Novonesis created its first enzyme product, Trypsin, in 1945. Decades later, this enzyme was used to produce a hypoallergenic food formula for babies with a milk protein allergy.

Together, Novonesis and Univar Solutions bring healthier, sustainable biotechnology products to dairy producers around the world.

Specialty lab services

Innovating at the intersection of science, technology and consumer trends, Univar Solutions partners with customers and suppliers to create high-performing products and sustainable formulations.

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